Monday, October 30, 2006
some people in the past had nothing better to do then to study the different types of metals present on earth. with the invention of advanced machinery, they managed to come up with newer materials for the benefit of mankind. but not for the benefit of future generations who have to study them in school. right now, aerospace materials is a killer. who the fuck is interested in allotropic transformations and precipitation hardening?!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
give that man a beer
life is short. enjoy it to the fullest.
one night stands can be mind-blowing, especially so if you do it with the right person. =)
one night stands can be mind-blowing, especially so if you do it with the right person. =)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
watch season 1 episode 2 of coupling on youtube for a good laugh.
i'd certainly like to get lucky tonight.
i'd certainly like to get lucky tonight.
trust no bastard
sometimes, i realise it's better that you tell that special someone what you're feeling or it might just be a little too late. till today, i wonder what it would be like, if only i knew, and you knew too, what we were both feeling. looking back, i can just laugh at those cute old days. =)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i don't know why people think i'm crazy not bringing anything to school. all you need to do is listen in class and copy the notes some other day from your friend. if you're a lazy bum like me, just photocopy them.
we have decided to name our final year project (airplane) 'Sweetness'. reason being my leader can't stop singing that song from jimmy eat world after he heard it at MM(mechanical and manufacturing engineering) Day. furthermore we think our plane's sweet. so there you go, 'Sweetness'.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin
if you send me hari raya messages only not to be replied by me, please understand my handphone is spoilt.
mum says this year's hari raya theme is english. so my living room is arranged to look like an english home, or so i think it does a little. however, the festive goodies are still traditional (malay). we will not be serving shortbread or digestive chocolate biscuits. lipton, sorry we don't have tazo, tea and nescafe gold blend are available upon request but default house pour is root beer.
have a joyous holiday. don't drink and drive. drink then drive.
mum says this year's hari raya theme is english. so my living room is arranged to look like an english home, or so i think it does a little. however, the festive goodies are still traditional (malay). we will not be serving shortbread or digestive chocolate biscuits. lipton, sorry we don't have tazo, tea and nescafe gold blend are available upon request but default house pour is root beer.
have a joyous holiday. don't drink and drive. drink then drive.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
no money, no uni
with my below par results, the only way i can pursue a degree in female anatomy engineering or aero-related engineering is to get my 6-month validity only passport stamped and fly away to some foreign country where sex is as rampant as starbucks coffee along orchard road. the cost of studying abroad is definitely equivalent to feeding 10,000 impoverished african children two meals a day everyday for the next 2 years. so i guess the only way for me to leave singapore is to sell the house, or offer my ass off changi village. but in the first place, i don't even know if i meet the distinctions-only entry requirements of the universities. if only it was as easy as getting into a course in polytechnic; C6 for 5 O level subjects. so then i thought my chances of entering a uni, a local one, would have been better if i had gone to a jc. but i think i would have without a doubt failed the promos and then flunking the a levels.
what if poly students are given priority when it comes to admissions into the local universities? the edge that we have over jc students is that we are more experienced in the field of study that we're in. we are familiar with the subjects that are going to be taught in the university. practical-wise, we're definitely more competent. i checked out NTU's aerospace program and their practical labs are more or less the same as SP's. the modules too. just that it's going to be more difficult and in depth in the varsity.
but i'll be unfair to the jc students if they're at a disadvantage when it comes to entrance into a uni because that's the reason why they go to a jc, so that they sit for their a levels and get into a uni. it'd be stupid to sit for a levels and end it there since the a level cert is 'lower' than the diploma.
so the best solution is to accept a tad more poly students into the uni. accepting only the top 10% of poly students into a uni is just too little. perhaps, don't even have a quota but just a minimum entry requirement. a GPA of 3-3.2(B average student) seems feasible enough. getting an average of 70 marks for around 35 modules isn't as easy as saying 'YAHOO JUST ONE MORE DAY LEFT TO FAST!'
what if poly students are given priority when it comes to admissions into the local universities? the edge that we have over jc students is that we are more experienced in the field of study that we're in. we are familiar with the subjects that are going to be taught in the university. practical-wise, we're definitely more competent. i checked out NTU's aerospace program and their practical labs are more or less the same as SP's. the modules too. just that it's going to be more difficult and in depth in the varsity.
but i'll be unfair to the jc students if they're at a disadvantage when it comes to entrance into a uni because that's the reason why they go to a jc, so that they sit for their a levels and get into a uni. it'd be stupid to sit for a levels and end it there since the a level cert is 'lower' than the diploma.
so the best solution is to accept a tad more poly students into the uni. accepting only the top 10% of poly students into a uni is just too little. perhaps, don't even have a quota but just a minimum entry requirement. a GPA of 3-3.2(B average student) seems feasible enough. getting an average of 70 marks for around 35 modules isn't as easy as saying 'YAHOO JUST ONE MORE DAY LEFT TO FAST!'
zion y lennox
i had a disgusting bad dream last night. it will never happen in real life. if it does, shoot me.
my friends and i had a kickabout at our neighbourhood's street soccer court today. out of the blue, one of them decided to tell a joke. after he completed the joke, the game just stopped and everyone went berserk. it was a laughing frenzy. probably one of the best jokes i've heard in a long time.
my friends and i had a kickabout at our neighbourhood's street soccer court today. out of the blue, one of them decided to tell a joke. after he completed the joke, the game just stopped and everyone went berserk. it was a laughing frenzy. probably one of the best jokes i've heard in a long time.
merry raya
sometimes i wish hari raya was like christmas. that way i can email santa claus every year and tell him that i've been a good boy and i deserve the following presents:
- Sony Playstation 3
- Levis 512 jeans
- Ipod Nano
- Macbook
- Skate ramp bed
Thursday, October 19, 2006
bintang duit
before i begin, i'd like to say that i miss the la marzocco and it's users.
every morning when i board the train, i feel as though i'm in a fishtank. i'm surrounded by alot of baits which slowly get taken up one by one. it then reaches a point where a large school of piranhas is let into the tank and left to fight for one bait. the piranhas are those hogging boarding passengers who jostle with one another to get a seat, the bait, on the train. i'm just a an innocent coral placed there to make the place more beautiful.
i'm a careless person. i was filling in the online medical questionnaire for NS and there was this yes/no section. everything was a NO except one question which i must have accidentally clicked on YES when it asked: do you have heart disease?
every morning when i board the train, i feel as though i'm in a fishtank. i'm surrounded by alot of baits which slowly get taken up one by one. it then reaches a point where a large school of piranhas is let into the tank and left to fight for one bait. the piranhas are those hogging boarding passengers who jostle with one another to get a seat, the bait, on the train. i'm just a an innocent coral placed there to make the place more beautiful.
i'm a careless person. i was filling in the online medical questionnaire for NS and there was this yes/no section. everything was a NO except one question which i must have accidentally clicked on YES when it asked: do you have heart disease?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
there is no flying without wings
it finally went airborne today. to infinity and beyond, and then back to the ground, hard. after the take off, it went vertical before the motor was cut and it came back down to earth nose first. thank goodness there wasn't much damage. the problem was, the engine was too powerful. it was as though we put a ferrari engine into a trishaw. so all it needs now is a lil bit of fine tuning before we're going up again, and we plan to keep it up there for as long as possible.
someone complimented on the way i dressed today. =)
someone complimented on the way i dressed today. =)
Monday, October 16, 2006
16 came, 1 emerged victorious

after countless numbers of dubious decisions by the referee as well as the organising committee throughout the whole affair, we finally became champions of the school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering's street soccer tournament. victory was sweet, as at least i'm leaving school knowing the fact that i was best in something.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
we're almost there. tested the controls and the engine. it was a success. all it needs to do now, is to fly like a bird. here comes the reports.
fuck the person who took my apron that mushroom hid.
fuck the person who took my apron that mushroom hid.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
lecturers should never ever threaten the diploma in aeronautical engineering stage 3a students to leave the lecture theater if they're not interested. that's because they will, in huge numbers, leave the lecture theater to go eat, play soccer, engage in online gaming or see tammy work somewhere in town. after that, they'll complain to the head of department of how lousily the lecture was conducted and the attendence will be very pathetic from then onwards. hey, you can't blame us if we start talking or play games in the lecture theater if the lecturer can't teach for nuts.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
fair play
i was warned not to get either a yellow or a red card this tournament. so far, i've not commited any foul at all, and kept all comments to myself. the painful memory of last tournament's send off is still fresh in my mind. i think i can deserve the most well-behaved player award this time round. i banged in 2 goals, literally. i was 2 yards away from the goal and i rammed a scorcher into the top corner of the net. absolutely no mercy. it was orgasmic.
fester saw her. dammit!
fester saw her. dammit!
Monday, October 09, 2006
love me, hate me, kiss me
you're stranded on an island with your husband and son. if you have absolutely no choice at all but to leave one of them behind because the rescue helicopter can only take two people including yourself, who would it be?
so what if i had to choose between my wife and daughter? my decision would be to stay behind so that they can be saved.
so what if i had to choose between my wife and daughter? my decision would be to stay behind so that they can be saved.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
such a sucker
the screen of my beloved psp is scratched because some coward in my house doesn't want to admit himself as the culprit. the last time i used it, it was in tip-top condition; i bought the psp with the hard earned money that i got from flying so it was natural that i kept it with tender love and care. according to murphy's law,anything that can happen, can happen. it took less than 24 hours to prove his theory right. all i did was to leave it at home on saturday while i went out the whole day. yesterday as i was about to use it again, there it was, the permanent scar, like a tattoo gone wrong, on the face of my best friend on trains, buses and when i have problems sleeping.
drinks that are made out of love are nicer.
drinks that are made out of love are nicer.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
when i get married, IF i ever do, i shall hold it during the fasting month. this will save me thousands of dollars. on what you may ask? simple; catering services. no one's allowed to eat, drink and reject wedding invitations. so i presume all the invited guests will turn up to witness the biggest day of my life, the day that i give my self to some bitch, and end up going home with long faces because there wasn't any refreshment or course meals served since the dashing and handsome bridegroom is a cheapskate but he's too adorable that they have no choice but to attend my wedding. i am so smart! if that's the case, then i shall marry 4 wives. everyone of them during different fasting months. any takers? i think khalies will be first on the list but she wants to marry a doctor or victorian(cause tkgians always end up with victorians). she can still be the maid-of-honour though. maid, as in literally, like clean tables and stuff.
this next section here is an appeal to anyone who seems to know how to cure no-bloody-idea-what-to-spend-on syndrome. i am suffering from that you see. whenever the month's pay comes in, i suddenly don't know what to spend it on. i'd love to shop like a girl or tranny, but whatever i feel like buying, i don't need.
the wise words of econs: you either need it, or you want it.
this next section here is an appeal to anyone who seems to know how to cure no-bloody-idea-what-to-spend-on syndrome. i am suffering from that you see. whenever the month's pay comes in, i suddenly don't know what to spend it on. i'd love to shop like a girl or tranny, but whatever i feel like buying, i don't need.
the wise words of econs: you either need it, or you want it.
Friday, October 06, 2006
the haze is getting from bad to worse. it feels like being in a club with all the smoke around except there's no loud music and drunk girls who keep on tripping in their heels. damn those farmers who keep burning the forests. perhaps they should change their job description to farker instead of farmer. however, the farkers are not the only ones to be blamed. those corrupted to the core lazy like a sloth officials in indonesia are not doing anything about it. burn these officials along with the forests.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
so much for all the hype about 16,000 international delegates coming to singapore for work and holiday. in the end, the IMF came and went as though there was nothing. perhaps the only people who felt the presence of the IMF are the singapore police force and people who work in the city hall area where many of the roads were cordoned off for over paranoid security reasons.
next time, do not make something sound so big and titanical if it isn't going to be.
next time, do not make something sound so big and titanical if it isn't going to be.
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