Thursday, March 26, 2009


currently reading.

i should stop reading books on self-mutilation.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


hi, i don't give a fuck about everything and anything.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


every blog entry is bound to offend someone out there.

Friday, March 20, 2009

apologies please mind the face

i've always wanted to play an instrument. but i guess i'm better off kicking a ball around.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


because swimming is a good form of exercise, i've been hitting the pool everyday for the past week. before you know it i'll have the physique of michael phelps and the complexion of akon.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


today's papers said that we are short of the targeted 60,000 babies born annually to counter our ageing population.

this country definitely needs more people like me.

the kgb have always wondered who will be the first of the gang to marry but it was only last night that we wondered who would be the first among us to die. mraz11, fredfriden and mudstar agreed that although we may not have the chance to attend each other's funeral, we certainly do hope as many of our friends come to bid us farewell when we leave this world.

Friday, March 13, 2009

i'm outta time

see you there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

can't stand me now

as mentioned in the previous entry i'm reading a biography about Pete Doherty, straight As student turned into rock and roll prodigy and hardcore drug addict. in the biography it mentions about pete's love and flair for poetry. well to me poetry is basically bollocks, a babble of your thoughts and feelings. there's no right or rubbish. so here's one from me.

heavy heart on gloomy sundays,
monday blues nothing new,
half priced waffles tuesdays,
mambo retro ladies wednesdays,
thursday nights out come the malay chavs,
thank godness it's friday,
please don't end dear saturday.

anyway to sidetrack, i saw this dude with piercings giving a tudong girl a chaste hug. up theirs.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

currently reading

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the enemy - you're not alone

beautiful melancholy. this song should be the official anthem for the current economic downturn and recession.

well whenever you're down you should listen to this. it will remind you that you're not alone living in this squalid world full of chicanery.

Friday, March 06, 2009

working class hero

so i'm three months away from being unemployed. so if i can't get into a uni i want a job which:

- allows me to keep any hairstyle i want (2 years of short and neat hair is unbearable)
- doesn't require me to wake up early in the morning (waking up before the sun rises is depressing)
- pays more than what i'm earning now but do lesser work and bear lesser responsiblity (knowing lives are in your hands can be taxing)
- is feasible for me to cycle to work (it's troublesome to have to take a boat to work)
- doesn't need my attention 24/7 (i can be making a report over the phone while breaking fast)

i will never go into the service industry again. starbucks was enough.

and now, i quote a stanza from an inspirational song by The Jam - To Be Someone

To be someone must be a wonderful thing
A famous footballer a rock singer
or a big film star, yes I think I would like that
To be rich and have lots of fans
have lots of girls to prove that I'm a man
And be No. 1 - and liked by everyone
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