Tuesday, September 29, 2009


i would like to question the purpose of singing competitions, in specific Anugerah, our local malay singing contest. what is the use of people sending in their text messages to vote for their favourite contestant when all the top few finalists keep appearing together in shows even after the winner has been decided? khairul anwar came up tops two seasons ago in Anugerah but until now, syed azmir and fauzi laili are still making the same number of appearances, if not more, than khairul anwar.

at least our singapore idols have had majority of their limelight after being crowned. we hardly or never hear sylvester and jonathon nowadays do we?

to end off, off-topic anyway, suria channel should be changed to suhaimi yusoff channel. he's on almost every local malay production on channel 04. ini line ni untuk ape?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

untuk sahabatku

"it's a beautiful victory?"
"i'm not part of your race."

i am going to do this to farid one day. i will be waiting at the top of that slope at casuarina prata shop on upper thomson road. this is the predicted question and answer:

"amacam mau mati kapa?"
"bodoh ade lagi satu slope kat nee soon camp!"

Saturday, September 19, 2009


one of my bestest friends, farid, and i were just talking on msn about how we want to lead our lives ten years down the road. i must admit whatever we said seems like a fairytale; bmw z4, benz c200, house at prime areas, flawless girls, ktm motorbikes. but if ever that day comes true, we're going to take a photograph and frame it up.


Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin to all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

where's the sugar?

the two out of the few others who made my days entertaining customers who want extra hot drinks bearable and more importantly enjoyable.


no wonder Entertainment Tonight is still talking about Michael Jackson till today. He's wearing number 17 for Manchester United now after a free transfer from Olympia Chaussettes FC.

Friday, September 11, 2009

social economics

i believe that our parents' generation and the ones before theirs eat vegetables because they lived in poverty. they could not afford to buy meat and therefore had to eat grass and greens daily. unlike us who come from the average income family who get to eat chicken or fish almost everyday, we end up not liking the taste of leaves.

our future generations would regard vegetables as toxic. the only way for me to eat grass is if i were to buy this. you will see me grazing in the neighbourhood grass patches for the next ten years just to pay the bank.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

gile kape?

this guy, www.pedaldamnit.blogspot.com, made our 3-day tour around singapore look like child's play when he has ridden SOLO tours around western australia and peninsula malaysia.

Monday, September 07, 2009

that's next.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

merry christmas

finally the pay is in and i've gotten my crumpler messenger bag and a pair of new shoes. mum doesn't know yet but i'm not worried cause i have my ear plugs ready.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


tigers sleep up to 20 hours a day. i wish i was a tiger.
search engine submission