long overdue

thousand apologies to that someone for this long overdue entry. right let's get straight to business. this entry is all about m-i-a. not missing-in-action but rather mee-yah.
mee-yah is anuder one of dem partners at wisma mun. me is got to know 'er on da first day of work at whad we kol our 'ome now. it is our dird place. anyway mee-yah sista is much olda den me mun. she is 26 yars old. bud 'owever she is lookin fine like a 18 ya old gurl. very pretty and it's no wunda so many of dem guys are crazy over 'er. she is quite shord but like dem always says good things come in smull packages mun. i believe dat dis is true. mee-yah sista is very nice and kind towards me. she is taking good care of me ut work. do nut mess araound wid my sista cause i will mess wid you. she is very seriouas wid 'er work. does nod tole-rart any noncents. but sometimes she is arls0 quite playful and we do kid araound. i always look forward to workin wid 'er cause it's fun. me is sometimes 'er bitchin partner. oh ya before me forget, thunk you for your present. me is greatly appreciate it. =)
i hope you will like dis entry my sista. till we meet again. peace out.
your reggae mun,
aphzal marleigh
I LOOOOOOVE IT!!! thanks my darling sweet bro!! hehehehe.. didnt think that u wud but u did!! co cweet!! MUACKS n HUGS HUGS HUGS all around..!! see u soon dear..
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