i like
i like blogs which have many pictures, less words, a good command of english and preferably steered away from writing mundane daily happenings. it doesn't have to be written in flowery language but if it's almost grammatically error free then that it would be excellent. i don't like to read blogs with entries that are 1000 words long. just think, do you actually reckon people would read them? not unless it's interesting like your boyfriend fucked you and you got pregnant and your parents are going to cut you up and throw you down the rubbish chute. so if you want to be a star blogger, heed my advice.
whenever i dream of a girl kissing me, it'll always be the same girl. she should really kiss me in real life. someone has ever commented that i have girl-like cheeks.
you were praising MY blog rightttt. and i was the one who told you you've got baby cheeks.
ok please dont take nonsentic pictures anymore. thanks. much love. <3
One day I'm going to write a lot and still be a star blogger. =P
If you've dreaming of the girl so often, you probably like her. =D
As for the pictures, you have a pork seller, a jason (from friday 13th) and a sunflower (dunno from which movie)...so what's up next?
I know! Walking monkey! =D x 3!
nisa: shhhh...
xt: up next? not sure yet.
I don't know about baby cheeks, or girl cheeks, but I know he has nice round butt cheeks.
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