Sunday, September 03, 2006


whenever boredom gets the better of me online, i like to view friendster profiles. once, after viewing this girl's profile, she added me as a friend when we're not even acquaintances. i duly accepted, cause i was bored like always and no harm having one more person in your friends list innit? so then i asked her why did she add me when she doesn't even know me? the answer given was, although till today it still tests the very existance of logic in homosapiens, "you viewed my profile so i added you back". so does that mean i look at your boobs you can let me touch them? if that were the case, this world would be a much better place.

my friend has a habit of typing things like AISAVMOU or LAKSDKWE whenever i say something stupid. so i asked her "do you type with your tits so that's why things like that come out?" her answer: PMOWEQIUO.


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