happy saturday

the whole of my saturday was filled by two lovely young ladies. 10 things i learnt that saturday:
1) remember to remind khalies to bring her wallet if you are going to meet her.
2) shareena is very tall, like very.
3) hindustani movies have intermissions in the middle
4) khalies can tingtong over food. example: i feel like eating A. eh i feel like eating B. eh how ar?
5) shareena drives very well
6) when you owe someone nougats, they'll always remember
7) watching a 3 and a half hour long movie injures your butt
9) khalies doesn't wear socks
10) i looked handsome =)
additional 11) khalies and shareena are two gorgeous tkgs girls. the best.
hear, hear. (:
point number ten is obviously because you wore this gorgeous shirt.
guys with shirts on (off would be much nicer provided youve got excellent bod) are such hottiesssss. slurps!
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