
imagine the absence of the internet in our lives today. inconvenience of every sort that you can think of will set in. as a student, this means having to browse through hundreds of books in the library and skimming through another million more words to find suitable content for a project or an assignment. on top of that, there'll be no such thing as copy-and-paste cause you'll have to either write the information down in pen or type them out on your pc or laptop. porno lovers will have to resort to buying dvds from your friendly neighbourhood beng selling pirated x-rated dvds at a nearby void deck. the existence of msn messenger and meeting new people online will perish from the face of this earth. there's an infinite more number of inconveniences and consequences that will follow with the disappearance of the internet but since it's still around, i'd like to share with you what i just came across a few days back.
there's this site which sells used military stuff and what caught my eye was that it was selling fighter plane ejection seats. how cool is that? when i grow up, all the furniture in my house will be ejection seats. piss me off and i'll pull the ejection handle from your seat and off you go straight to the roof of my house. but too bad the ejection seats that are being sold have their explosive cartridges removed. anyway they're real life stories where people get ejected accidentally and the victims are usually the maintenance crew. therefore when you see anything yellow and black or red in a plane, it means 'please exercise more caution with this'.
any girls out there willing to be my co-pilot? once you're in my cockpit, would you like me to eject? =)
i bet the last paragraph was a result of me saying that i want to marry a pilot in the future.
maybe i should be one of those girls asking "coffee,tea or me?"
hahahaha. no it wasn't. you wanted to marry a surgeon. bluek!
anyway people will obviously choose either coffee or tea.
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