the belles

your tingtong inventors
i shall write a letter to mr longman, mr oxford and mr webster with regards to adding a new wordto their dictionaries. the word is 'tingtong'. it was invented by yours truly and his lad (above picture).tingtong (noun) : a person or thing that drives you nuts, or she herself is nuts. does not apply to guys. "my friend's girlfriend is a tingtong."
tingtong(verb) : when a girl thinks deeply, emo-ing especially. starts complaining to you about everything, number one on the list is love. "afzal how ar? i'm tingtong-ing now", "afzal can i tingtong to you?"
to that vjc science turned nus arts student, this entry is not about you. =)
To that TPJC first two weeks, SP aeronautical engineering student, I love you and will forever tingtong to you.
by the way, you invented tingtong, he (points at mr-english beside you) started out with DINGDONG. hahahahahahhaha. (:
it's tpjc first two months!
i don't know if tingtong is a noun or adjective. nvm it shall be categorise as adjectnoun.
Ok, this is the radical feminist side of me speaking. Why is it that you have only mentioned she (read: FEMALE) in reference to tingtong? YOU also capable of being tingtong ok?
-maha esah
cause it all started with maha loceng. and it was a SHE. okaaay fine guys tingtong too.
bro.. my darling kiddo.. pls pls pls do sumting about ur hair.. go and have a haircut or sumting.. pls.. hehehe.. u look like u jus woke up from bed.. messy is not sexy at all for u.. hahaha..
and that hair looks horrible on you yet sexy. hmm. hw about going ol-baldy?
i already cut my hair. that pic's more than a year old. haha.
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