you actually end up pitying them. not because of what they are, as i respect them for who they are and what they decide to become, but for what they do. there're better jobs out there but yet they choose to become like this. i hope they change their mindets and know what's right and best for them. i don't think i am emotionally cut-out to be a guy hostess or anything of that sort. the thought of entertaining random people everynight just to earn a meagre sum of money to make ends meet is just too much.

sentosa is shit compared to this
i think i want to get married after the age of 35, and she has to be a caucasian girl. i would like to concentrate on my career first as well as achieve the other things in life. the things on my mind right now are travelling all over the world, and perhaps to work in different countries each for a short duration of time. i'd like to live life day by day. life is short therefore do everything while you're still young and abled. the world is the britannica encyclopedia and singapore is just a fullstop in it.
i went 'aww' and 'uhhuh' reading this entry.
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