Saturday, July 19, 2008

who are we?

the olympic games is coming soon so i'd like to say Go Team (PR) Singapore! i'm disheartened to know that we've become so desperate for sporting glory that we resort to engaging the services of foreigners. some can't even speak english.

although it might look like we're following in the footsteps of the french national football team, they are different from us as their players have been living in france for a very long time and some are the descendents of immigrants. whereas in our case, we 'buy' them over with our citizenship.

in my opinion we should just make do with whatever resources we have. winning is secondary, doing our best more important. togo, a third world country, with only a slightly higher population than singapore of 5.7 million people, has made it to the world cup. if singapore can keep the scoreline to a single digit when they play against brazil next monday, then i believe we can make it to world cup in fifty years time.


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